How to Play Farkle Game: Gameplay, Rules, Scoring Variations, and Tips To Win

If you are looking for a fun and easy game that anyone can indulge in, Farkle is something you must try. It can be played with your friends or family with just six dice. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Here’s a quick guide to learn about this classic dice game, Farkle rules, scoring, how to play, and more.

What is Farkle?

dice remaining, six, gambling

The Farkle game is a strategic dice game that originated in Greece. It involves rolling six dice and skillfully selecting which ones to keep and which to re-roll to achieve the highest score.

As you play the game, you aim to create specific combinations, such as three-of-a-kind or a straight, to earn points. The game is simple and can be played with a group of friends or family members.

Farkle’s quick gameplay makes it an ideal choice for gatherings or family game nights. While its roots are in ancient Greece, Farkle continues to entertain and engage players worldwide.

Farkle Rules

Here are a main rules of Farkle you must follow:

  • Farkle is a dice game with the objective of being the first to reach 10,000 points.
  • Players take turns rolling six dice and aim to accumulate points through specific combinations called ā€œmelds.ā€
  • Players must decide whether to keep rolling for more points or risk a ā€œfarkle.ā€
  • A ā€œfarkleā€ occurs when no scoring dice are rolled, resulting in the loss of accumulated and unbanked points.
  • The game requires strategy and quick thinking as players balance the potential for higher scores against the danger of losing points.

There are various regional variations of Farkle, but the focus here is on the standard version.

How To Play Farkle?

at least one scoring

Now, that you know the basic Farkle rules, let’s dig deep and understand how to play Farkle easily.

Objective Of The Game

In the dice game Farkle, the objective is to be the first player to reach a total of 10,000 points. The first player to complete the objective wins the game.

Number of Players

While the Farkle game can be played with two or more players as per the Farkle rules, it is best to play between 3-8 players.


To play the fun dice game Farkle, you will need:

  • A six dice
  • A scoring sheet
  • One or more dice cups

Game Play

Now, let’s take a look at the detailed gameplay and understand the Farkle rules in depth.

Roll The DiceĀ 

To determine the starting player in a game of Farkle, you can follow the below steps.

  • Each player rolls a single die. This initial die roll is only to establish the order of play.
  • The player who rolls the highest number on the die will be the first to start the game.
  • If multiple players roll the same highest number, only those players reroll the dice. They continue rerolling until only one person remains with the highest number. This player will then be the starting player.
  • Once the starting player is determined, turns proceed clockwise. The player to the left of the starting player goes next, and turns continue in this order throughout the game.

Scoring Dice

As per the scoring rules, it’s essential to designate one person as the scorekeeper. Farkle scoring is an important role where the scorekeeper is responsible for recording and calculating the scores of all players throughout the gameplay. This makes sure you have an organized and accurate record of each player’s progress. Without a proper Farkle scoring system, it becomes difficult to understand who’s winning. So, all the points scored must be jotted down on a piece of paper as per the point system.

Farkle Dice Rolls

As per Farkle rules, a player must officially enter the game by rolling a minimum of 500 points on their turn. Here’s how it works:

  • On your initial turn, you must achieve a total of at least 500 points to officially join the game.
  • During your turn, roll all six dice and identify at least one die that contributes to points or a point die. You can set aside this die and then proceed to roll the remaining dice.
  • Continue this process of rolling the remaining dice, accumulating points with each roll by setting aside at least one die that contributes to your score.
  • Ā If, at any point, you fail to roll any point dice, your turn ends, and you “farkle.” If this happens before reaching the required 500 points, your score remains at 0, and you will try again on your next turn as per Farkle rules.
  • Remember to strategically decide which dice to set aside.Ā 

Hot Dice

As per Farkle rules, if you roll all six dice and each one earns you points, it’s called hot dice. When this happens, you get to roll all six hot dice again, and the cycle continues. There’s no limit to how many times you can keep rolling hot dice. So if you are lucky, your turn can last a long time, and you can accumulate a lot of points.

However, there’s a catchā€”if you ever roll and don’t get any points, you lose all the points you have earned in that turn. If you manage to turn all six dice into point dice on your first roll, you also get to roll them again, and this is considered hot dice as well.

Rolling hot dice is a great way to score a bunch of points, but be careful not to farkle and lose everything you have gained on that turn.

Choose To Stop Rolling The Dice

You can keep rolling the dice as long as you want, but you have to decide when to stop. The fun factor builds up because you can choose to play it safe and stop after getting some points, or you can take a risk and keep rolling to try and get even more points. It’s all up to you.

However, there’s a catch. If you ever roll the dice and don’t get any points, you lose all the points you have earned in that turn. The game then moves on to the next player. So, it’s like a balancing act. You must decide whether to keep going for more points or play it safe to avoid losing everything. It adds a strategic and thrilling element to the game.

Winning The Game

at least one scoring dice, game, monochrome

The game continues until someone scores 10,000 points. Once a player reaches this score, they become the goal-setter. After their turn, all other players get one final chance to roll the dice and try to beat the goal-setters score.

Finally, the player with the highest score wins. It must be equal to or above 10,000 points after this final round.


As per Farkle rules, “melds” refer to specific combinations of scoring dice that earn you points. Understanding these melds is crucial for strategic decision-making during the game. Here are some common scoring combinations:

  • Single 1:Ā If a player rolls a 1 on a single scoring die, it is worth 100 points.
  • Single 5:Ā If a player rolls a 5 on a single scoring die, it is worth 50 points.
  • Three of a Kind:Ā Getting three dice with the same number (e.g., three 3s) earns points. The value is the number times 100, except for three 1s, which are worth 1,000 points.
  • Four of a Kind:Ā Getting four dice with the same number earns double the points of a three-of-a-kind.
  • Five of a Kind:Ā Rolling five dice with the same number is worth double the points of a four-of-a-kind.
  • Six of a Kind:Ā Getting all six dice with the same number is worth double the points of a five-of-a-kind.
  • Three Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, Sixes:Ā Sets of three dice with the same number are worth 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 points, respectively.
  • Three Pairs:Ā Rolling three sets of two pairs or a four of a kind and a pair is worth 1500 points.
  • Run:Ā Getting a sequence of six consecutive numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6) is the highest-scoring meld, worth 2500 points.

Farkle Scoring Variations

Farkle has several scoring variations. Some of them include:

Alternate Winning Score

In some farkle variations, there may be some tweaks when it comes to the winning score. In some variations, the player scores for winning the game may differ. For instance, players might decide that the first person to reach 20,000 points or 5,000 points wins the game instead of the standard 10,000.

This alternative winning score can impact the game’s duration and strategy. A higher winning score may extend the gameplay and require players to be more strategic and take additional risks.

On the other hand, a lower winning score can result in quicker games with faster rounds. However, the scoring combination tends to remain the same.

Double Farkle

In the variant of Double Farkle, players face an increased challenge as they must score a hefty 2000 points in a single turn to officially enter the game, unlike the standard 500.

This upgraded requirement adds a layer of difficulty and encourages risk-taking and strategic decision-making. Players must carefully choose when to roll and when to stop to achieve this substantial score.

Team Farkle

Team Farkle introduces a collaborative edge to the game, where players form teams, and the team’s score becomes the sum of individual scores.Ā 

This variation makes way for teamwork and strategy as players coordinate to increase their overall score.

Farkle Tips For Beginners

If you are new to the game, here are a few tips that can help you out.

Start Slow

In your first few turns, bank your points early. So, what we mean is that when you accumulate any points initially, it’s a good idea to save them instead of continuing to roll the dice in the farkle game. This helps you get on the scoreboard and reduces the risk of losing everything to a farkle.

Learn the Melds

Knowing how to play Farkle won’t suffice, but you must be well-versed in the rules. Learn the scoring combinations thoroughly. Knowing which dice to keep and which to reroll will improve your strategy to a great extent in the dice game Farkle.

Watch the Dice

Pay attention to the dice you roll. If you have a few scoring dice, consider banking those points instead of risking a farkle with a reroll.

Balance Risk

Weigh any potential points against the risk of losing your turn. Sometimes, itā€™s better to stop and bank points rather than push your luck too far.

Advanced Farkle Strategies

Here are a few strategies you must try as an advanced player.

Maximize Your Rolls

If you have only one or two scoring dice left after a roll, consider rerolling the remaining dice. This can give you a chance to score more points and keep your turn going longer. While this strategy is riskier, it can also lead to higher rewards. And since you are a nuanced player, you must be aware of the rules and must carefully manage the risk of a farkle.

Keep Track of Opponents’ Scores

Always pay attention to how close your opponents are to winning. If they are close to 10,000 points, you might need to take bigger risks to catch up or surpass them. However, make sure these are strategic risks that work to your advantage.

Strategize with Multiples

When you roll multiple dice, focus on keeping sets of three, like three 1s or three 5s, since they score higher points. This can help you accumulate points faster and take the lead.


What does Farkle mean?

Farkle is a dice game where your goal is to score points by rolling specific combinations. The term itself is just the name of the game and doesnā€™t really have a specific meaning. Itā€™s used to express excitement or disappointment during gameplay.

What are the rules for rolling in farkle?

In Farkle, you roll six dice to try to get scoring combinations. After each roll, keep dice that score points and reroll the rest. You can stop and bank points anytime. If you roll and get no scoring dice, it’s a farkle, and you lose all the points accumulated in that turn.

How is Farkle different from Yahtzee?

The Farkle game differs from Yahtzee in scoring and strategy. While both dice games involve scoring dice, Farkle leans towards risk-taking and quick decision-making, whereas Yahtzee focuses on specific scoring combinations and strategic planning.

Is Farkle a math game?

Farkle involves basic math for scoring, as players calculate points based on dice combinations. However, itā€™s not primarily a math game, as the focus is mainly on risk and strategy.

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